Can Ragdoll Cats Eat Apples

Can Ragdoll Cats Eat Apples?

Most people think of Ragdolls as finicky eaters, but the truth is that they are quite curious about new foods. While few foods are harmful to cats, in general, they can eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits and…

Can Ragdoll cat eat eggs

Can Ragdoll cat eat eggs?

There are a lot of misconceptions about what cats can and cannot eat. One such misconception is that cats can’t eat eggs. It isn’t true – Ragdoll cats can. In fact, they can eat eggs without any problems. Eggs are…

Can Ragdoll cat eat cheese

Can Ragdoll Cat Eat Cheese?

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they require animal protein to survive. There are many anecdotal reports of cats consuming small amounts of dairy without apparent ill effects. Anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, most scientific evidence suggests that cheese is not a…