17 Most High Maintenance Cat Breeds That You Can’t Resist

Are you the kind of person who likes to be rewarded for hard work? Do you enjoy taking care of something and then being able to show it off to others? If so, you may be the perfect candidate for one of the high-maintenance cat breeds.

All cats require some level of care. There are several low-maintenance cat breeds. However, certain breeds need extra attention than others. If you’re thinking about adopting a high-maintenance cat, you should be prepared to spend a lot of time and money on your new pet.

high maintenance cat breeds that requires a lot of care and attention

High Maintenance Cat Breeds That You Can’t Stop Adopting

Persian cat

persian cat requires a lot of care

The Persian cat is a popular breed of cat that is characterized by its long, thick fur. Persian cats are one of the oldest breeds of cats, and they are believed to have originated in Iran. 

They were introduced to Europe in the 16th century and quickly became a favorite among the nobility. Today, Persian cats are still one of the most popular breeds.

While their plush coats may be irresistible, they require care and attention. Persian cats need to be brushed daily to prevent matting, and their coats must be trimmed regularly. In addition, Persians are prone to several health issues, such as respiratory problems and eye infections. As a result, they require regular veterinary care.

Despite their high maintenance needs, Persian cats make loving and affectionate companions. They are known for their calm dispositions and gentle natures. If you are looking for a beautiful and regal cat, the Persian might be the perfect breed for you. Just be prepared to devote some time and effort to keep them healthy and happy.

Also Read: What Are The Different Types Of Persian Cats?

Turkish Van

The Turkish Van is a special breed of cat native to the Lake Van region of Turkey. These cats are known for their unusual “Van” pattern, a white coat with dark markings on the head and tail.

Turkish Vans are active and playful cats, and they love to swim. In fact, they are the only breed of cat known to enjoy swimming. They are also very independent and stubborn, making them challenging to train.

Due to their unique coat markings, Turkish Valarns require special grooming care. Their coats should be brushed regularly to prevent matting, and they should be bathed once a month. In addition, Turkish Vans are prone to ear infections, so they may need to have their ears cleaned regularly.

If you are looking for an active and playful cat, the Turkish Van might be the perfect breed. Just be prepared to devote some time and effort to grooming their unique coats.

Turkish Van cat not suitable for beginners

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The Sphynx is a hairless breed of cat that was first developed in Canada in the 1960s. These unusual cats are known for their wrinkled skin and lack of fur. While they may look strange, Sphynx cats are actually very affectionate and loving animals.

Sphynx a hair less cat breed with high skin infections

Sphynx cats require special care due to their lack of fur. They need to be bathed regularly to remove dirt and oil from their skin, and they should be protected from the sun. In addition, Sphynx cats are prone to several health problems, such as respiratory infections and kidney disease. As a result, they require regular veterinary care.

Despite their high maintenance needs, Sphynx cats make loving and affectionate companions. They are known for their playful dispositions and their love of human interaction. If you are looking for an unusual and unique cat, the Sphynx might be the perfect breed. Just be prepared to devote some time and effort to keep them healthy and happy.

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American bobtail

The American bobtail is a medium-sized cat breed characterized by its short tail. These cats are native to the United States, and they were first developed in the 1960s. They are a relatively new breed, but they have quickly become popular for their unique appearance and loving personalities.

The most distinguishing feature of the breed is their coat, which is medium to long and typically very thick and plush. American Bobtails come in a wide range of colors and patterns, though “pointed” patterns (i.e., those featuring darker colors on the tips of the ears, face, legs, and tail) are most common.

a high maintainence short tail cat American bobtail

American bobtails require moderate grooming care. Their coats should be brushed every week, and they should be bathed every few months. In addition, American bobtails are prone to several health problems, such as heart disease and hip dysplasia. As a result, they require regular veterinary care.

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Japanese bobtail

japan origin japnese bobtail cat seeks a lot of attention

The Japanese bobtail cat is a breed of domestic cat with a short, stubby tail. The breed is native to Japan, also known as the Mi-ke, meaning “triple fur.”

The Japanese bobtail is a medium-sized cat, with males typically weighing between 10 and 15 pounds and females between 8 and 12 pounds.

The coat is short and dense, with various color and pattern options. The most distinctive feature of the Japanese bobtail is, of course, its tail. These cats have tails that range from half an inch to two inches in length, with the average being about one inch. The tails are not prehensile, meaning they cannot be used to grasp or hold objects.

The Japanese bobtail cat is a high-maintenance cat that requires daily grooming. Its coat is long and thick, and it tends to shed more. In addition, the Japanese bobtail cat is prone to allergies and needs to be fed a special diet. They also require a lot of exercise, and it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys and climbing equipment.

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The LaPerm cat is characterized by its unusual fur. The LaPerm’s coat is composed of two layers: a dense, short undercoat and a fine silky topcoat.

The tips of the LaPerm’s hair are often curled or kinked, giving the cat a distinctive appearance. The breed is also known for its large ears and long legs.

LaPerms require moderate grooming care. Their coats should be brushed weekly, and they should be bathed every few months. In addition, LaPerms are prone to many health problems, such as respiratory infections and kidney disease. As a result, they require regular veterinary care.

LaPerm a cat breed with curly hair

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Selkirk Rex

a curly coat Selkirk Rex cat needs a lot of care and attention

The Selkirk Rex is a truly unique breed of cat. Unlike most cats, which have straight fur, the Selkirk Rex has curled, wavy fur that gives it a distinctive look.

While all Selkirk Rexes have curly coats, there is considerable variation in the degree of curliness. Some cats have only slightly wavy coats, while others have tight curls that resemble ringlets. In addition to their unusual coats, Selkirk Rexes are also known for their friendly and pleasant personalities. 

The Selkirk Rex is a high-maintenance cat that requires regular grooming to keep its coat looking its best. The coat is thick and dense and can quickly become matted if not brushed daily. In addition, the Selkirk Rex sheds heavily, so be prepared to vacuum often! This breed also enjoys regular playtime and will need plenty of toys to keep it entertained.

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The Munchkin cat is a relatively new cat breed, first developed in the 1980s. As the name suggests, Munchkin cats are known for their short legs. This distinctive physical feature is the result of a naturally occurring genetic mutation.

Some people find the Munchkin cat’s appearance quite charming. However, there is controversy surrounding the breed. Some critics argue that the health problems associated with the short legs of Munchkin cats far outweigh any aesthetic benefits.

The Munchkin cat is a lazy cat that requires frequent grooming and vet care. It often sleeps for 16 hours a day, and it is not very active when it is awake. As a result, the Munchkin cat is not a good choice for families with small children or active pets. However, the Munchkin cat can be a loving and affectionate companion for those willing to provide the care it needs.

a small and high maintenance munchkin cat breed

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The Himalayan cat is a relatively new breed of a domesticated cat, characterized by its blue-gray fur and striking emerald green eyes. It was initially developed in the 1950s by crossing Siamese and Persian cats. The Himalayan has since become one of the most popular pedigreed cats globally.

high maintenance cost cat breed Himalayan cat

The Himalayans are often compared to their Siamese cousins but are quite different in personality and appearance.

The Himalayan cat is distinguished by its thick coat, which helps to protect it from cold weather. It requires a lot of grooming and needs to be brushed daily. In addition, they are prone to some health problems, such as respiratory issues and kidney problems. As a result, Himalayan cats can be expensive to care for. However, many people believe that the beauty and affection of these cats are worth the extra effort.

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Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large, longhaired breed of domestic cat. It is muscular and heavily boned, with a thick and insulated weather-resistant coat. The breed is adapted to a cold climate, with a dense double coat, waterproof guard hairs, and large paws that act as snowshoes.

The Norwegian Forest cat is a high-maintenance cat that requires a lot of care and attention. These cats are very active and need plenty of space to run and play.

They are also prone to becoming overweight, so they need to be fed a high-quality diet and exercise regularly. Additionally, it sheds heavily, requiring daily brushing to keep its coat healthy. The Norwegian Forest cat can be a loving and affectionate companion despite all of these needs. They are known for being loyal and devoted to their families.

Norwegian Forest Cat likes cold climate only

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The Bengal cat is a stunning animal with a unique coat of fur. The most distinctive feature of the Bengal is its fur pattern, which is similar to that of a leopard or jaguar. Bengal cats are also known for their athletic build and powerful hind legs.

leopard like fur pattern Bengal cat

They are very agile and can jump great heights. Bengals are intelligent, playful, and curious cats.

Bengals make great pets for people looking for an active, intelligent, and beautiful cat. If you consider adding a Bengal to your family, be prepared to provide plenty of space, toys, and stimulation. Bengals thrive on attention and need to be kept busy. A Bengal cat can be a loving, loyal, and entertaining companion for many years to come with the proper care.

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The Peterbald cat is a relatively new breed, first developed in Russia in the early 1990s. The breed was created by crossing a Siamese with a bald Russian blue.

As a result, the Peterbald cat shared many of the Siamese’s characteristic features, including its slender build and pointed coloring. However, the Peterbald is distinguished by its hairlessness.

The coat may be absent, or it may be sparse and downy. In either case, the skin is soft and velvety to the touch.

Peterbald cats require very little grooming and are virtually shedding-free. However, they are vulnerable to extremes temperature and must be protected from the sun and cold weather. They are also susceptible to many health problems, including respiratory infections and skin allergies. Despite all of these potential issues, the Peterbald is a loving and affectionate breed that makes a great companion for people of all ages.

hairless cat breed Peterbald

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The Siamese cat is one of the most popular breeds in the world. Its slender build, pointy ears, and blue eyes characterize it. They are known for their vocal nature and outgoing personality.

Siamese a cat with blue eyes

Siamese cats are very active and require a lot of attention. They need plenty of space to run and play, and they enjoy being the center of attention. Siamese cats also like to be involved in everything their families do.

If you consider adding a Siamese to your home, be prepared to provide plenty of time, attention, and space. With the proper care, a Siamese cat can be a loving and devoted companion for many years.

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Maine coon

The Maine Coon is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, with adults typically weighing between 9 and 18 pounds. They are known for their long, shaggy coats, which can come in various colors and patterns.

Maine Coons are also distinguished by their large, triangular heads and bushy tails.

The Maine Coon cat is a high-maintenance breed requiring regular grooming and care. They are large cats with long fur that can easily become matted if not brushed regularly. They also tend to shed heavily, so regular vacuuming is necessary to keep their fur from taking over your home.

In addition, Maine Coons require a lot of attention and interaction, so they are not the best choice for someone who is gone all day or who prefers a more independent pet.

giant cat breed maine coon

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The Singapura is a breed of domestic cat that is small and sleek, with large eyes and ears. It is also known for its brown ticking coat, unique among domesticated cats. Singapura was developed in Singapore in the 1970s, and its name comes from the Malay word for “lion city.”

sigapura cat breed with a round eyes and unique brown coat

The most distinguishing feature of the Singapura is its large, round eyes, which are set against dark brown patches on a light-colored background.

While they are relatively low-shedding, they do shed more than other breeds of cats. As a result, they require more frequent vacuuming and dusting to clean their home. Singapura cats are active and playful in terms of personality, but they can also be shy around strangers. They are loving and affectionate with their family and make great companions. Overall, the Singapura cat is a beautiful breed that requires patience and dedication to care for properly.

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The Ragamuffin cat is a medium to the large-sized breed of domestic cat. It has a thick, soft coat and a relaxed, friendly personality. The Ragamuffin is one of the newer cat breeds developed in the United States in the 1960s. However, it shares many physical characteristics with the Ragdoll breed, but the two breeds are not closely related.

Ragamuffins are known for their affectionate nature and outgoing personalities. They are also relatively easy to care for, although they require regular grooming to keep their coats from matting.

affectionate cat ragamuffin

In addition, Ragamuffins are prone to obesity, so it is important to monitor their food intake and activity level. The Ragamuffin cat can make a loving and devoted companion for many years with proper care.

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Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a breed of domestic cat with a distinctive fold in the ear, giving it a teddy bear-like appearance. Although the Fold’s exact origins are unknown, they are thought to have originated in Scotland in the 1960s.

 a high maintenance cat breed Scottish Fold cat

The most distinctive feature of this breed is its folded ears, which give it a unique look. However, these folded ears can also make the Scottish Fold prone to ear infections. In addition, the breed is known for having a very dense coat, which requires regular grooming.

Furthermore, Scottish Folds are particularly susceptible to feline osteochondrodysplasia, which can cause joint pain and deformities. As a result, Scottish Folds require more care than most other cat breeds. While they may be beautiful animals, potential owners should be aware that they come with some significant challenges.

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How To Identify A High Maintenance Cat?

Do you think you might have a high-maintenance cat? Here are some signs that your cat is high maintenance:

  • Always meowing and demanding attention.
  • Constantly getting into things and making a mess.
  • Always shedding fur all over the place.
  • Requiring a lot of special care and attention.

They may be picky about their food, litter, or toys. It may include daily grooming, special dietary needs, or more frequent vet visits.

How To Take Care Of A High Maintenance Cat?

Simple cat Catre tips 1

A high-maintenance cat requires a lot of care and attention. They are typically needier than other cats and can be challenging to take care. However, there are some things you can do to make taking care of a high-maintenance cat a bit easier.

  • Make sure you have plenty of time to dedicate to your cat. A high-maintenance cat requires a lot of attention and care, so you need to be able to give them the time they need.
  • Be prepared to spend a bit more money on your cat. It will likely require more expensive food and toys than other cats.
  • Create a routine for your cat. It will help them feel more comfortable and secure.
  • Be patient with your cat. It may take some time to adjust to its new environment and routine.


There are a variety of beautiful and unique cat breeds to choose from. It is important to consider your lifestyle and needs when selecting a breed. Some breeds require more care than others, and some may not be suitable for homes with small children or other pets.

If you think you can handle the challenges of a high-maintenance cat, then there are a few things you can do to make taking care of them a bit easier. With some time, patience, and preparation, you can be the proud owner of a high-maintenance cat.

Do your research before selecting a breed, and remember that all cats require love, care, and attention. Your home will be filled with laughter, playful antics, and lots of love with the right cat.

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Esme Watson
Esme Watson

Esme Watson, the founder of Cat Queries, is a passionate cat lover driven by a deep love for felines. Inspired by her own furry companions, Minnie and Mickey, Esme created a platform dedicated to empowering cat owners with comprehensive and reliable information on feline health and behavior.

Cat Queries combines Esme's personal experiences with expert insights, offering a valuable resource that caters to all aspects of cat care. This inclusive approach fosters a welcoming community for cat lovers, making Cat Queries a trusted source for information, support, and guidance. Ultimately, Esme's mission is to enrich the lives of both cats and their human companions through knowledge and understanding.

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