A Lynx is a Ragdoll Tabby. They may be found in all three traditional Ragdoll patterns, bicolor, colorpoint, and mitted.
The Lynx Ragdoll has different”M” shaped pencil lines on its face and white eyeliner around its eyes.
Lynx points are presented on Ragdoll cats in a variety of colors, including seal lynx point, chocolate lynx point, blue lynx point, lilac lynx point, and fawn lynx point.

This variation in point color is caused by the agouti gene which is a modifier gene that affects the distribution of eumelanin in the hair shaft.
The agouti gene influences how much color is deposited in the central part of the hair shaft and how much color remains on the ends of each individual strand,
This results in a banded pattern across the hair shaft that gives the cat its characteristic “tabby” look.
Seal Lynx Point Ragdoll
The Seal Lynx Point’s body is colored in a pale fawn to cream color, with darker brown on the outside.

The dark brown seal points on the face are marked by a broad blaze or “M” between the eyes.
The tail should be darker than the body and have an even darker tip.
The paws are colored in a pale fawn color that is often lighter than the body, with it being darkest on the backs of the paws and lightest on the underside.
Chocolate Lynx Point Ragdoll
The body of a Chocolate Lynx Point Ragdoll is ivory white. The body markings may take the form of ghost striping. Its points are milk chocolate in color.

The Chocolate Lynx Point Ragdoll has pale ivory white paws that are often lighter than the body, with darkest on the backs of the paws and lightest on the underside.
Their Point has dark brown markings on the points of its face, including an “M” between the eyes. Its tail is also darker than the body with a dark tip.
The nose leather is a flesh-colored pink, and the paw pads are rose-pink to brownish-pink.
Blue Lynx Point Ragdoll
The body of a Blue Lynx Point is white to grey, with striping. Its points are powder blue or grey. Its ears, tail, and legs are darker than the body.

The Blue Lynx Point Ragdoll has pale ivory white paws that are often lighter than the body, with darkest on the backs of the paws and lightest on the underside.
Their Point has dark blue markings on points of its face, including an “M” between the eyes.
The tail is also darker than the body with a dark tip and its nose leather is a flesh-colored pink, and the paw pads are rose-pink to brownish-pink.
Lilac Lynx Point Ragdoll
The body of a Lilac Lynx Point is white to light lavender, with striping. Its points are a muted pink-lavender.

Its ears, tail, and legs are darker than the body. The Lilac Lynx Point Ragdoll has pale ivory white paws that are often lighter than the body, with darkest on the backs of the paws and lightest on the underside.
Their Point has dark lilac markings on points of its face, including an “M” between the eyes.
Its tail is also darker than the body with a dark tip and its nose leather is a flesh-colored pink, and the paw pads are rose-pink to brownish-pink.
Flame/Red Lynx Point Ragdoll
The body of a Flame Lynx Point is white to light beige, with striping. Its points are a deep rusty red color.

Its ears, tail, and legs are darker than the body. The Flame Lynx Point Ragdoll has pale ivory white paws that are often lighter than the body, with darkest on the backs of the paws and lightest on the underside.
Their Point has dark red markings on points of its face, including an “M” between the eyes.
The tail is also darker than the body with a dark tip and its nose leather is a flesh-colored pink, and the paw pads are rose-pink to brownish-pink.
Cream Lynx Point Ragdoll
The body of a Cream Lynx Point is generally white, with striping. Its points can be pale cream to pinkish color.

Its ears can be light pinkish cream with a darker-colored tail and legs.
The nose leather is a flesh-colored pink, and the paw pads are rose-pink to brownish-pink.
Lynx Ragdoll Origin
The Lynx is a term that refers to the distinctive markings on the cat’s face, ears, and tail.
It was given to the Ragdoll breed because of the similarity in markings on the pointed cats.
The Lynx Point is a color pattern that was first introduced in the early 1960s. The Ragdoll breeders were the first to develop this color pattern.
Lynx Ragdolls are bred in a number of different colors, including Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, and Flame (red). They are marked with dark points, including on the ears, face, tail, and legs.
What makes a lynx Ragdoll?
The lynx Ragdoll has a coat that is characterized by its tabby-like markings. This is due to the fact that they carry the gene for tabby markings.
Is Lynx a recognized Ragdoll color pattern?
The Lynx color pattern is not recognized by the Ragdoll breeders association.
How much is a Lynx Ragdoll?
Typically a lynx Ragdoll will cost between $600-$1500. The price differs depending on bloodlines and breeder location, among other things.
It is a rare color pattern, and it typically costs more than other Ragdolls.
What is the average lifespan of a lynx Ragdoll?
The average lifespan of a lynx Ragdoll is around 14-20 years.
How big does a Lynx Ragdoll get?
Lynx Ragdolls can weigh up to 20 pounds and grow up to 20 inches long.
Is Lynx a cat breed?
Lynx is not a cat breed. A lynx is a name given to cats that have tabby markings (stripes, spots, or swirls). This is due to the fact that they carry the gene for tabby markings.
Lynx Ragdolls are known for their distinctive markings that resemble those found on a wild lynx. These cats can be found in a variety of colors including flame, blue, red, and cream.
They are very affectionate cats who love being with their owners.
If you are looking for a unique-looking cat and enjoy being around affectionate animals, the Lynx Ragdoll may be the perfect pet for you.